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Miss Robin Reads at the Library

Carnegie Library of Homestead East 10th Avenue 510, Munhall, PA, United States

Join Miss Robin from the Steel Valley Family Center for a fun story, activity, craft and snack. The stories will be fun, creative and interactive for the children and adults. The second half of the story time, the children will get to go up to the Athletic Center and play in the gym.

MRFC Community Movie Night

Come and join us for a movie night, open to our community's families. Contact us for more info: 412.331.1685 x221.

Storytime at The Hub!

Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center Kelly Street 7219, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Come join us at The Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center for an interactive storytime geared toward children birth to five years of age and their families!

Cuddle Time

Hill District Family Center

Parent/infant interactive group w/focus on child development.. Topic:

Storytime at The Hub!

Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center Kelly Street 7219, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Come join us at The Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center for an interactive storytime geared toward children birth to five years of age and their families!

Can We Talk…

Parent will talk about Vision Boards and families will create their own Vision Boards.

Miss Robin Reads at the Library

Carnegie Library of Homestead East 10th Avenue 510, Munhall, PA, United States

Join Miss Robin from the Steel Valley Family Center for a fun story, activity, craft and snack. The stories will be fun, creative and interactive for the children and adults. The second half of the story time, the children will get to go up to the Athletic Center and play in the gym.

Infant Toddler Reading Time

Hill District Family Center

Story Let's Move by Scholastic. Families will engage in movement activities. Snack will be provided.

Storytime at The Hub!

Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center Kelly Street 7219, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Come join us at The Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center for an interactive storytime geared toward children birth to five years of age and their families!

Storytime at The Hub!

Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center Kelly Street 7219, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Come join us at The Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center for an interactive storytime geared toward children birth to five years of age and their families!

Storytime at The Hub!

Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center Kelly Street 7219, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Come join us at The Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center for an interactive storytime geared toward children birth to five years of age and their families!

Buzzword Five SENSES Family Night

Hazelwood Family Center Second Avenue 5006, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Join Buzzword as we visit the Greater Hazelwood Family Center for an evening of family fun and activities featuring science, art, music, and early literacy! During this event, children ages birth to five and their caregivers will have the opportunity to come together and explore elements of our newest BUZZ Box, featuring our latest Buzzword:... View Article

Infant Toddler Reading Time

Hill District Family Center

Hosted by the Hill District Family Center. This month the books is “Amazing Feelings” by Scholastic. Everyone has feelings so we are going to see how you identify your child’s various feelings. A book will be given to every family in attendance. Remember, this is a nice way to build a reading library for your... View Article

Storytime at The Hub!

Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center Kelly Street 7219, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Come join us at The Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center for an interactive storytime geared toward children birth to five years of age and their families!

Cuddle Time

Hill District Family Center

Hosted by the Hill District Family Center. Please join us for “Cuddle Time”, a program for non-walking infants and their parent/caregiver. We will use the Nurturing Parenting Curriculum and incorporate the Parents As Teachers Curriculum. You can enjoy floor time activities, practice infant massage, and learn about your baby’s development. You can also chat with... View Article