Come join us at The Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center for an interactive storytime geared toward children birth to five years of age and their families!
Walking and Goal Planning Parent Child Activity with snacks. Hosted at the McKinnley Park Track on Basuman Street. On Street Parking and port-a-potties available. Call to RSVP: 412-432-1635
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 x221.
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 x221.
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 x221.
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 x221.
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 x221.
Join Focus On Renewal at the Washington Wild Things Park: Gates @ 6pm, Game @ 7:05pm. Tickets $10, with half benefitting F.O.R. programs and services! / 724.250.7851
Walking and Goal Planning Parent Child Activity with snacks. Hosted at the McKinnley Park Track on Basuman Street. On Street Parking and port-a-potties available. Call to RSVP: 412-432-1635
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 x221.
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 x221.
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 x221.
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 x221.
Appointments Only: Please contact us to schedule an appointment to come and see us at the McKees Rocks Family Center, Saturday Hours. 412.331.1685 x221
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 x221.
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 x221.
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 x221.
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 x221.
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 x221.
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 x221.
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 x221.
Parent Advisory Committee Meet and Greet: Join us to provide input, develop leadership skills, and to help design (y)our programming, to better meet the needs of our community's families!