Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products are also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 #221.
utilize playroom space for creative play and use BEAM Interactive Floor Game
Free donuts generously donated from local bakery. Available every Tuesday at 8:30 am until we run out.
Food donations are available to the community outside of the Steel Valley Family Center
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products are also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 #221.
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products are also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 #221.
utilize playroom space for creative play and use BEAM Interactive Floor Game
Join East Liberty Family Center for creative activities designed specificially for children, typically involving simple materials and techniques that allow them to use their hands to make something fun and decorative (sometimes tasty 😉) while also developing fine motor skills, imagination, and artistic expression.  It also allows for parents and kids to bond while making something... View Article
utilize playroom space for creative play and use BEAM Interactive Floor Game
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products are also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 #221.
Free donuts generously donated from local bakery. Available every Tuesday at 8:30 am until we run out.
Food donations are available to the community outside of the Steel Valley Family Center
Produce giveaway open to the public in conjunction with the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank
utilize playroom space for creative play and use BEAM Interactive Floor Game
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products are also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 #221.
utilize playroom space for creative play and use BEAM Interactive Floor Game
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products are also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 #221.
Free donuts generously donated from local bakery. Available every Tuesday at 8:30 am until we run out.
Food donations are available to the community outside of the Steel Valley Family Center
utilize playroom space for creative play and use BEAM Interactive Floor Game
utilize playroom space for creative play and use BEAM Interactive Floor Game
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products are also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 #221.
Join East Liberty Family Center for creative activities designed specificially for children, typically involving simple materials and techniques that allow them to use their hands to make something fun and decorative (sometimes tasty 😉) while also developing fine motor skills, imagination, and artistic expression.  It also allows for parents and kids to bond while making something... View Article
utilize playroom space for creative play and use BEAM Interactive Floor Game
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products are also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 #221.
Free donuts generously donated from local bakery. Available every Tuesday at 8:30 am until we run out.
Food donations are available to the community outside of the Steel Valley Family Center
utilize playroom space for creative play and use BEAM Interactive Floor Game
utilize playroom space for creative play and use BEAM Interactive Floor Game
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products are also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 #221.
utilize playroom space for creative play and use BEAM Interactive Floor Game
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products are also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 #221.
Free donuts generously donated from local bakery. Available every Tuesday at 8:30 am until we run out.
Food donations are available to the community outside of the Steel Valley Family Center
utilize playroom space for creative play and use BEAM Interactive Floor Game
utilize playroom space for creative play and use BEAM Interactive Floor Game
Contact us to schedule & confirm an appointment. Eligible families can visit up to twice per month. Feminine products are also available. Please leave a message, when asked: 412.331.1685 #221.